How to make Panda Pizza Toast | Olive’s Cooking

How to make Panda Pizza Toast | Olive’s Cooking

[Ingredients] 6 potatoes, 2 sausages, 1 bell pepper, 1/3 paprika, 1/4 onion, 3 eggs, a little bit of pepper, a little bit of salt, 6 slices of bread, a little bit of mayonnaise, a little bit of butter, some olive oil [Cooking order] 1. Slice the potatoes thinly and cook them in the microwave (600W, 2 min). 2. Thinly slice the sausage. 3. Finely chop the bell pepper, paprika and onion. 4. Add the vegetables, pepper and salt to the egg and mix well. 5. Cut the bread into a mold to make space. 6. Put egg water in the empty space and bake over low heat. 7. Stir until